NCA Exam Textbooks
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Always check the required textbooks for the most current exam syllabus on NCA website
Business Organization (Revised Oct 18 2023)
1) P. Puri, A. I. Anand, E. M. Iacobucci, I. B. Lee, J. G. MacIntosh, Cases, Materials and Notes on Partnerships and Canadian Business Corporations, 6th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2016) (referred to as "Casebook" in syllabus)*
2) J. A. VanDuzer, The Law of Partnerships and Corporations 4th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2018) (referred to as "VanDuzer" in syllabus)*
3) Consolidated Canada Business Corporations Act and Regulations (Toronto: Carswell, latest edition)(referred to as “CBCA” in syllabus)
4) Consolidated Ontario Business Corporations Act, Related Statutes and Regulations (Toronto: Carswell, latest edition)[contains Ontario partnerships legislation] (referred to as “OBCA” in syllabus)**
Canadian Administrative Law (April 2023)
1) Heckman, Mullan, Promislow and Van Harten (referred to as CB), Administrative Law: Cases, Text & Materials (Toronto: Emond Montgomery Publications Ltd., 8th ed., 2022).
Supplementary Only:
1) Colleen Flood and Paul Daly, Administrative Law in Context (Toronto, Emond Montgomery, 4th ed., 2021).
2) Sara Blake, Administrative Law in Canada (Toronto: LexisNexis-Butterworths, 7th ed., 2022).
3) David Phillip Jones and Anne S. de Villars, Principles of Administrative Law (Toronto: Carswell, 7th ed., 2020).
4) Guy Régimbald, Canadian Administrative Law (Toronto: LexisNexis Canada, 3rd ed., 2021).
Canadian Constitutional Law (January 2023)
1) Peter Hogg, Constitutional Law of Canada, Student Edition
Canadian Criminal Law (June 2024)
1) Steve Coughlan, Criminal Procedure, 4th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2020)
2) Kent Roach, Criminal Law, 8th ed. (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2022)
3) Select the Criminal code of your choice:
• Martin’s Criminal Code (Canada Law Book)
• Practitioner’s Edition (Lexis Nexis)
• Tremeears Criminal Code (Thomson Carswell)
1) Don Stuart, Canadian Criminal Law, 8th ed. (Scarborough: Thomson Carswell, 2020)
2) Don Stuart et al, Learning Canadian Criminal Law, 16th ed. (Scarborough: Thomson Carswell
3) Kent Roach et al., Cases and Materials on Criminal Law and Procedure, 12th ed. (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2020
Canadian Professional Responsibility (March 2023)
1) Alice Woolley, Richard Devlin and Brent Cotter, Lawyers’ Ethics and Professional Regulation, 4th ed (Markham, ON: LexisNexis, 2021)
2) *this material is a free pdf from NCA, in case you are unable to print the document, we offer this material to be printed and binded* the Model Code. When reading the Model Code, candidates should read both the rules and the relevant commentaries. Candidates should also become familiar with the Table of Contents to the Model Code and be able to find the various provisions that might apply to a given issue or problem.
Civil Procedure (2024)
1) Watson & McGowan’s Ontario Civil Practice
Commercial Law (August 2023)
1) Secured Transactions in Personal Property, Cases, Texts and Materials, 8th edition by Anthony Duggan
Contracts (April 2023)
1) S. Ben-Ishai and D. Percy, Contracts: Cases and Commentaries, 11th ed., (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 2022)
According to Syllabus on NCA website, Strongly recommended:
1) *strongly recommended as an adjunct to the casebook* J.D. McCamus, The Law of Contracts, 3rd ed., (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2020)
Other good textbooks on Canadian contract law:
2) A. Swan, J. Adamski, A. Na, Canadian Contract Law, 4th ed., (Toronto: Lexis-Nexis, 2018)
3) S. Waddams, The Law of Contracts, 6th ed., (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 2010) *syllabus shows 6th, however 8th edition is the most current*
Evidence (February 2022)
1) Don Stuart, David Tanovich & Lisa Dufraimont, Evidence: Principles and Problems , 13th ed. The reading list starts (Toronto: Carswell, 2021)
Family Law (Canada) (2023-2024 version)
1) Payne and Payne, Canadian Family Law, 9th ed., Irwin Law
2) Payne and Payne, A Basic Guide to Canadian Family Law, 2023, 1
st ed., Irwin Law
3) Divorce Act, R.S.C. 1985, c. 3 (2nd Supp.) FROM CANLII
4.) Federal Child Support Guidelines (Department of Justice, Canada) FROM CANLII
5.) Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines (Department of Justice, Canada, July 2008) FROM CANLII
6.) Spousal Support Advisory Guidelines: The Revised User’s Guide (Rogerson/Thompson, Department of Justice, Canada, April 2016) FROM CANLII
7.) Family Law Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. F.3, as amended FROM CANLII
8.) Children's Law Reform Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C. 12, as amended FROM CANLII
Foundations of Canadian Law 2024
1) Forcese, Dodek et al, Public Law: Cases, Commentary, and Analysis, 4th ed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2020)
Supplementary Reading:
1) Fairlie, John, Introduction to Law in Canada, 3rd ed. (Toronto: Emond, 2023)
2) Forcese, Craig & Aaron Freeman. The Laws of Government: The Legal Foundations of Canadian Democracy, 2nd Edition (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2011
3) Gerald Heckman. “International Human Rights Norms and the Substantive Review of Administrative Decision-Making” (Chapter 14 of Flood and Daly, eds., Administrative Law in Context, 4th Edition, Emond Montgomery 2021)
4) Sasha Baglay, Introduction to the Canadian Legal System, (Toronto: Pearson, 2015)
5) Hogg, Peter W. Constitutional Law of Canada
6) Waddams, S.M., Introduction to the Study of Law, 8th Edition, (Toronto: Carswell, 2016)
7) *this material is a free pdf from NCA, in case you are unable to print the document, we offer this material to be printed and binded*
Eugene A. Forsey How Canadians Govern Themselves 10th Edition
Property (2021)
1) B. Ziff, Principles of Property Law, 7th ed. (2018) ***AS OF NOV 2021 SYLLABUS INDICATES 7TH EDITION, BUT IT IS OLD EDITION, 8TH EDITION IS THE MOST CURRENT***
2) B. Ziff et al., eds., A Property Law Reader: Cases, Questions, and Commentaries (4th ed., 2016) ***AS OF NOV 2021 SYLLABUS INDICATES 4TH EDITION, BUT IT IS OLD EDITION, 5TH EDITION IS THE MOST CURRENT***
Supplementary Reading:
1) M.L. Benson et al., Understanding Property: A Guide to Canada's Property Law, 2nd ed. (Toronto: Thomson Carswell, 2008)
2) M.E. McCallum & A.M. Sinclair, An Introduction to Property Law, 7th ed. (Toronto: Butterworths,
Remedies (Revised March 2024)
1) Casebook: J Berryman et. al., Remedies: Cases and Materials (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 8th edition, 2020)
2) Textbook (Damages): J Cassels and E Adjin-Tettey, Remedies: The Law of Damages (Toronto: Irwin Law, 3rd edition, 2014)
3) Textbook (Equitable Remedies): J Berryman, The Law of Equitable Remedies (Toronto: Irwin Law, 3rd edition, 2023
1) R.J. Sharpe, Injunctions and Specific Performance not required. (Toronto: Thomson Reuters, 5 ed., 2017) **special order only, please ask**
2) S.M. Waddams, The Law of Damages (Toronto: Canada Law Book, 5th ed., 2012) **special order only, please ask**
Taxation (2022)
1) Krishna, Fundamentals of Canadian Income Tax 2nd Edition Volume 1: Personal Tax Law, (Toronto: Carswell, 2019).(FCIT)
2) Cockfield, O’Brien, Brown, Materials on Canadian Income Tax ,16th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2020) (MCIT)
Recommended Supplemental:
1) Li, Magee, Li Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law- 10th ed. (Toronto: Carswell, 2020)
Torts (September 2024)
1) Robert M Solomon, Mitchell McInnes, Erika Chamberlain and Stephen GA Pitel, Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts, 11th ed (Toronto, ON: Carswell, 2023)
Supplementary Reading: *on request, if needed*
1) Erika Chamberlain & Stephen GA Pitel, eds, Introduction to the Canadian Law of Torts, 4th ed (Toronto: LexisNexis, 2020) ISBN 978-0-433-50488-7
2) Bruce Feldthusen, Economic Negligence: The Recovery of Pure Economic Loss, 6th ed (Scarborough, ON: Carswell, 2012)
3) GHL Fridman et al, The Law of Torts in Canada, 4th ed (Toronto, ON: Carswell, 2020)
4) Cameron Jefferies & Lewis N Klar, Tort Law, 7th ed (Toronto, ON: Carswell, 2023)
5) Allen M Linden, et al., Canadian Tort Law, 12th ed (Markham, ON: Lexis-Nexis Butterworths, 2022)
6) Philip H Osborne, The Law of Torts, 6th ed (Toronto: Irwin Law, 2020)
7) Sanda Rodgers, Rakhi Ruparelia & Louise Bélanger-Hardy, Critical Torts (Markham, ON: Lexis-Nexis Butterworths, 2009)
Trusts (January 2020)
1) Mark Gillen and Faye Woodman eds., The Law of Trusts: A Contextual Approach (4th.)(Toronto: Emond Montgomery)
*on syllabus, states 3rd, but 4th is the most current edition*
2) A. Oosterhoff, R. Chambers, and M. McInnes, Oosterhoff on Trusts (9th ed) (Toronto: Carswell, 2019
1) Eileen E. Gillese, The Law of Trusts (3rd ed.)(Toronto: Irwin Law, 2014)